"2PM” is Pete Price, Pete Hennings, and Mike Jurgensen, a trio of talented musicians who blend their varied musical talents into an eclectic mix of material, from original songs, to obscure covers, to well-known standards.
With Price on guitar and bass, Hennings on guitar, bass, mandolin, and violin, and Jurgensen on guitar and harmonica, these three performers combine tight instrumentation with pristine vocal harmonies to delight audiences of all musical tastes.
All three are talented songwriters and have performed solo as well as with other bands: Hennings and Price with Jon Semmes and the Florida Friends, and Jurgensen and Hennings with Myriad. The combination of Pete, Pete, and Mike as “2PM”, however, is a unique trio that has delighted audiences at acoustic venues and folk festivals around the state of Florida.
"2PM" has released two CDs: “Keepin’ Time”, and "Let's Just Play One More", and plans to release a third CD in early 2017.
More about Mike Jurgensen